You may get a sense of who I am through this site, but ultimately you won’t really know me until you meet me. Until we meet, here’s a rundown of what I believe makes me a successful family law attorney in the Orlando area.
Ability to Listen 90%
Ability to Analyze 95%
Creativity 83%
Assertiveness 82%
Compassion 95%
Responsiveness 100%
This is your case about the things in life that are most important to you.
Not every attorney is the same – and you need to find one who suits you. Family law is all I do. I take the “think-outside-the-box” approach in much of what I do. I never make decisions for you, but I always give you the options so that you can make the best choices possible. I’m assertive when I need to be – not aggressive. I’m always professional and respectful. What’s important is that you shop around, and find an attorney who you feel best meets your need. For some people, I check all the boxes; for others, I’m not their cup of tea.